Ecstatic Union® Healing

Discover the Power of Your True Self

Ecstatic Union® Energy Healing

Align Body, Mind and Spirit to Release Your Inner Potential

The challenges and obstacles we face in life provide us with an opportunity for growth and evolution. The Ecstatic Union® model of healing understands that you have the resources within you to live with greater Freedom, Joy, Love and Vibrancy.

While educating you about the Energetic Nature of your Self, I can assist you with clearing the energetic blocks that have prevented you from discovering you deepest power and potential. These blocks can manifest as feeling out of balance, stuck, bored, anxious, unmotivated, fearful, disconnected or even depressed. They can also show up as lack of confidence, challenges in relationships at home or at work, or a feeling that what you truly desire doesn't match what shows up in your life experience. Any place in your life experience that has conflict, pain or disharmony of any kind reveals a potential energy block that can be addressed.

When the energy flows in proper balance we experience greater harmony, peace and joy. When it is blocked, we experience challenges, frustration, pain and conflict. Using a Healing Approach that honors the natural connection between the Body, Mind and Spirit, we will work together to clear these energetic blockages and help to restore the flow and Higher Potential of your energy system. At each step, we will identify and clear blocks and then activate your deeper potential while taking steps to stabilize each shift.

The Ecstatic Union® Healing approach is truly holistic and seeks to identify and correct imbalances at all levels of Body, Mind and Spirit. Sessions can include Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Vedic Astrology Chart assessment, as well as Spiritual Counseling. Additionally, various forms of Energetic hands on Healing methods may be used such as Ecstatic Union® Breathwork, Ecstatic Union® Life Force Activation, Chakra Healing, Energy Body Realignment and Clearing, Reiki, Karuna Ki, Pranic Healing, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Integration, Inner Child Healing as well as other methods. Vibrational supportive methods, such as Flower Essences, Homeopathics, Aromatherapy, Sound Healing and other methods may also be used. And when necessary, Ayurvedic recommendations or Astrological Remedies may also be suggested.

The goal is to use any available resource to restore balance and flow to your energy system at the levels of Body, Mind and Spirit. As this process unfolds, you will be empowered to align your soul's deepest desires with your direct experience of life. A process of Transformation will unfold that will not only shift your life to deeper joy and peace, but will also give you a direct experience of Integrated Wholeness and the Power of your True Self.

Ecstatic Union® Energy Healing Sessions:
90 Minute Session - $195
Two Hour Session - $260

Ecstatic Union® Energy Healing Packages:
(4) 90 Minute Ecstatic Union® Healing Sessions - $680
(4) Two Hour Ecstatic Union® Healing Sessions - $920

Please note: Ecstatic Union® Energy Healing is offered as a tool for restoring the Flow of Life Force and creating greater Harmony within the Body/Mind system. It is not a substitute for professional mental health services or medical care of any kind. Should you be experiencing serious medical issues or concerned about the state of your mental health, it is advised that you seek proper medical attention.

Ecstatic Union® Transformational Bodywork

Free your Body, Mind and Spirit and Awaken Your True Self

When we begin to explore the deeper nature of our experience, we come to understand that the body and the mind are intimately connected. And with that understanding, we realize that many of the aches, pains and physical symptoms we have are actually reflecting unresolved emotional tensions and mental patterns. These manifest in the body as energy blocks which block or reduce the flow of Life Force energy in the body.

The effects of therapeutic massage are known to be in part due to the gentle relaxation of stress that increases the flow of energy in the body. With Ecstatic Union® Transformational Bodywork, we take that intention deeper. Utilizing a well orchestrated blend of powerful Ecstatic Union® Energetic Healing Methods along with Body/Mind Bodywork techniques, we will take a journey through the Body and Mind to release these deeper blocks in the soft tissue of the body.

Through this process, we help restore a more powerful flow of Life Force Energy in the Body/Mind system while assisting you in accessing your Soul's deepest desires. This unfolds a conscious Journey towards deeper Self Awareness, greater peace and a stronger ability to create the life that you have always wanted.

The body comes to experience greater fluidity and wholeness, while there is also greater harmony between body and mind. By bring the body, mind and spirit into greater connection and alignment, they are able to work together at an energetic level to help live a more fulfilling, focused and purposeful life that is also relaxed and peaceful. The result is greater Health, Freedom, Joy and Vibrancy.

These sessions also utilize the Ecstatic Union® approach of assessing and addressing every aspect of Body, Mind and Spirit. So, sessions may also include Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Vedic Astrology Counseling and Spiritual Counseling as part of ensuring that we are addressing every possible level of healing.

Ecstatic Union® Transformational Bodywork Sessions:
90 Minute Session - $195
Two Hour Session - $260

Ecstatic Union® Transformational Bodywork Packages:
(4) 90 Minute Ecstatic Union® Bodywork Sessions - $680
(4) Two Hour Ecstatic Union® Bodywork Sessions - $920

Please note: Ecstatic Union® Transformational Bodywork is offered as a tool for restoring the Flow of Life Force and creating greater Harmony within the Body/Mind system. It is not a substitute for professional mental health services or medical care of any kind. Should you be experiencing serious medical issues or concerned about the state of your mental health, it is advised that you seek proper medical attention.

Energy Healing Technique Overview

Jeff Craft is a Reiki and Karuna Ki Master and the Developer of the Ecstatic Union® Healing System. Reiki is a common term understood by many as being a powerful form of energetic and spiritual healing. It is applied by bringing "Prana" ("Ki", "Chi", Energy, or Life Force) to the client, and allowing that Prana to balance, cleanse and energize the energetic system of the client. As the energy system is cleared and strengthened, this allows the body, emotions and mind to become more stable and "clear", thus reducing or eliminating certain symptoms.

In addition to Reiki, Jeff has been trained in and integrates additional BodyWork and energy healing techniques including guided imagery and other NeuroLingistic Programming (NLP) tools to facilitate shifts and ensure they are brought into conscious awareness. The use of homeopathics and flower essences are also used to support this process.

The following is a partial list of some specific Energetic, Vibrational and Bodywork related modalities for your information and education.

A specialized treatment that utilizes universal energy (chi) to balance and align the mind, body and spirit. Reiki can be applied with either light touch, or hands off the body. Benefits include relief from emotional, physical and mental stress. It can be used for physical pain and/or disease, and to help create emotional and mental peace. It can also be used to facilitate the release of old emotional wounds and traumas.

Karuna Ki
Karuna is a Tibetan word meaning "Compassionate Heart" or "Compassionate Action." Karuna Ki is a profound extension of the Reiki healing system. It amplifies the healing power available exponentially and offers tools to work with the client at higher spiritual levels. This system provides even deeper support for releasing old emotional wounds and traumas, as well as assisting those who are seeking to deepen their connection with the peace and love of their own Divine Self.

The Kofutu System of healing offers additional tools for Spiritual healing. It focuses on the higher levels of spiritual connection such as opening intuitive channels, creating balance between giving and receiving, connecting more fully with one's spiritual purpose, overcoming barriers to growth, deepening one's connection to the spiritual growth process and opening more fully to divine union.

Ecstatic Union® Life Force Activation
This method was developed by Jeff Craft (Kali Das) as an evolution of multiple techniques. It builds upon Dr. Don Glassey's Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Technique (CSFT), Len Ponath's Cellular Rejuvination in combination with Pranic Healing and Tantric Energy Activation Methods. This technique addresses each level of the spine and cranium, supporting the clearing of energetic blockages while encouraging the awakening of Life Force Energy that rests at the base of the spine.

Ecstatic Union® Breathwork
This method was developed by Jeff Craft (Kali Das). Similar in core concept to Holotropic Breathwork, Shamanic Breathwork or Rebirthing, Ecstatic Union® Breathwork uses specific Tantric Breathing techniques as a method for charging the energy system with Life Force Energy. As this Life Force Energy becomes active its healing power begins to clear and rebalance the system, leading to rapid shifts in releasing blocks and activating Higher Potential.

Homepathic Remedies
A Vibrational remedy that operates in subtle form to encourage a corrective response from the body/mind system.

Flower Essences
Based upon Homeopathic Principles, these are remedies made from Flowers that are used to correct and restore positive emotional and mental states at the vibrational level of the energy system.

Please note: This are a partial list of some techniques and methods which may be used. Ecstatic Union® is not a substitute for professional mental health services or medical care of any kind. Should you be experiencing serious medical issues or concerned about the state of your mental health, it is advised that you seek proper medical attention.
Every bodily movement has its source in the divine. Everything we do, everything seen or heard, tasted or touched, can be undertaken as a devotional practice.

- David A. Cooper, Entering the Sacred Mountain